I'm leaving on a jet plane...
So it has come down to this - the final 48 hours. I can tell that it must be close because I've finally started to feel a little nervous. My bags are packed and I'm ready to go, as they say, except for those itty bitty articles that you can never decide where to put. It's all starting to give me a headache so I'll put it off until tomorrow.
I'm not ready to leave Canada yet. As a going away present to myself I'm going to the dentist to get not 1, not 2 or 3 or 4 but possibly 5 fillings (damn you Smuckers jam! Who would have thought that something that tastes so good could possibly have so much sugar in it?)
Anyways it's amazing how easy it is to learn your lesson when you have to pay for your own teeth-I think I'm taking about a 1000 yards of dental floss with me to Japan!
About the blog itself-I thought it would be an interesting way to keep everyone on this side of the Pacific up-to-date on how things are going in Japan without having to email each and every one of you. You are free to come and go as you please. Once I get settled in (give me a couple weeks) I will try to update at least a couple of times a week. Just for the record this is NOT a diary. You will not read: Day 15, Rode the subway to work at 8:15 am, taught 5 classes, no sign of Sailor Moon.
I may talk about class or not. I might mention some strange japanese phenomenom I experienced or some odd culture traits. I may just talk about videogames! At the very least I'll try to keep it interesting-the day I start talking about my daily routine will be the day I stop writing. I've read before in other blogs where people say that they've heard about aspiring bloggers who eventually start to post less and less until they finally stop altogether. They warn that that might happen to them too and of course it does. I on the other hand, have far to much confidence in my "geekyness" to even admit to the possibility of this happening. They day they take the "internets" away from me is the day they pry it from my cold dead hands (yes I realize that was a tremendously geeky thing to say.)
Well that's probably the last you'll hear of me for the next couple of weeks. Before I sign off, I would be remiss not to give props to Agrippa who helped make that interesting graphic at the top of the page and Andrew, who for some insane reason seems to believe that he has intellectual property rights to some or all of this blog.
let me get to sleep