Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Oh God the pain!!

There's a huge hole in my life...a huge gaping void. It's exactly the type of hole that a laptop would fit perfectly. A couple of days ago my harddrive died-only temporarily. I thought I was pooched and had lost all the valuable stuff that the internet allows me to download for free. Anyways I came back from work that night and the computer was working fine again! I rejoiced-it was something like a 21st century ressurection. Anyways my happiness was shortlived because I downloaded some software from the harddrive company and after running it, it told me that my harddrive was mortally wounded and one day, would go to that big harddrive heaven in the sky. This was very disconcerting considering that i had only bought it 2 months ago. Remember I said I thought the HD was making a funny noise?? Never ignore your gut feeling folks. Anyways I took it back to the store and they honoured the warranty but then they told me it was going to take one month before I got my computer back. If it wasn't for the fact that they would have no idea what i was saying I would have blown my top! ONE MONTH! One month with no laptop. How long does it take to take the harddrive out and put a new one in? Anyways my biggest fear is that I'm going to get this computer back in a months time only to find that they just tried to "fix" it rather than replace it and I'm going to have to take it back again and wait a second month.

So anyways the long and the short of it is that I won't be around too too much! My roommate has a laptop himself so I'll be checking my email every once in a while but that's about it. I might even get a life-you never know. Probably not though. I hate to say it but there's going to be a lot of reading going on over the next month in this household.

Thursday, September 08, 2005


It was very blustery all day today with a little rain in the morning but in the afternoon the sun started to shine. I went for a bike ride this afternoon and enjoyed the weather (even the wind) more than any other day in Japan so far. I think it was because it reminded me so much of Canada. Sunny, windy and no humidity whatsoever. Not much different than a late September day in Meaford! Now don't get me wrong-I'm not the type to get homesick but it certainly brought back memories. For some reason all I could think about was being 15 and heading out to soccer practice after school. That's exactly what today reminded me of. Bah! I'm too young to be thinking nostalgically about my school days! Ahh who am I kidding-that was 10 years ago. Going on 11 years ago-September 30th is swiftly approaching. I'm an old, old man.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

So this is what a weekend feels like

Ahhh. Well it's over now-too bad the weather was crappy. After getting back from my trip to Mt Fuji I worked the following 19 days with only one day off. It's nice to finally get a proper weekend but unfortunately it rained most of the time. Anyways I haven't posted anything in a while and I'll use use the aforementioned reason as my excuse.

So what's new with me? Not too much-as usual! In terms of my health, I've pretty much come to the conclusion that I'm going to have pink eye until I come home to Canada. Yes you remember that problem from like three friggen months ago? Anyways the first batch of eye drops the doctor gave me didn't work. I couldn't be bothered to do anything more about it so I just left it. That was until someone asked me if I was tired. I can stand the odd irritation and I can stand having to wipe the crap out of my eyes in the morning and at night but if I actually look like I have a problem then that's a problem. So I went back to the eye doctor, paid basically the same amount of money and got the same stuff only this time I also got some stuff you smear on your eyelid twice a day. Anyways two weeks has past and I've run out of drugs again and the problem still isn't solved. I may or may not go back a third time-we'll see.

I spent the first day of my weekend in Ikebukero buying a new pair of headphones to replace the ones that got broken as a result of a completely unavoidable accident wherein I tried to beat a railway crossing barrier with my bike. I suppose I shouldn't say "tried" because that insinuates failure which isn't true. I succeeded-kind of. The barrier hit the bag on my back which somehow knocked my earphones out of my ears and one of them got caught in the spokes of my bike and was consequently chopped off. Anyways these things happen-there's really no way you can avoid situations like running railway barriers!

The last big news of the day is that I'm getting a new housemate tomorrow. I've actually known about this for a couple weeks now. He's from the States, North Carolina specifically, and seems pretty friendly. I've been chatting with him on MSN. He says he's actually pretty half decent at speaking Japanese and seems to be one of those people who are crazy for all things Japanese. You know the type. Actually he'll probably be the first person here that I meet who is like that. Most people I've worked with enjoy living here but they have no special love or fascination for Japan. They're probably sticking around because they have nothing for them back at home. In terms of a work future I mean. It's easier to work here and avoid reality!

let me get to sleep