Monday, November 13, 2006

By the way...

You might not have noticed it but I've actually switched to the new Blog now, the one that's owned by Google. I don't think anything has really changed much for the readers-just for the people doing the blogging (oops I almost called it writing!)

Sunday, November 12, 2006


I'm kind of kicking myself for not buying a PS3. I could have at least resold it on Ebay for twice the cost. Oh well, sometimes having too much common sense can be a disadvantage.

Fumiko just returned today from Kyoto where she attended her brother's wedding. That brought up a couple of (possibly cultural?) incongruities. For one, Fumiko had never even met her brother's wife until she arrived in Kyoto. In fact I don't think she even knew her name until she heard that they were getting married. And then when I asked if I was invited to the wedding, she looked at me as if I had two heads. I thought it was only natural that you would take your boyfriend of approximately eight or nine months (at that time) to a wedding with you. But perhaps not. I was happy to not have to pay the $250 train ticket to Kyoto.

I managed to get hold of a poppy at the Canadian Embassy before Remembrance Day. I wore it a couple of days to work. I was a little worried whether I might stir up some controversy (it really shouldn't-the poppy after all is from the First World War) but shockingly enough in my classes nobody even mentioned it. I was a little upset actually. I mean, I had a freakin flower on my chest and yet nobody could be bothered to be curious as to why.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

I could have had a Playstation 3!

They were released in Japan this morning. And about 10 minutes after that they all disappeared. I actually got a chance to play one yesterday for the first time. They had a booth set up in the Toys R Us store and it was merely a matter of picking up the little kid in front of me by the scruff of the neck and throwing him out of the way. I went to the Toys R Us during my lunchbreak to play it. Apparently they're going to be impossible to find when they're released in North America when they come out in December. And to think if only I had a little patience, a warm jacket and 60,000 yen in my pocket then I could have had one too! At five o'clock in the afternoon there was one guy in line sitting outside of the store. When I left work at 9pm that evening there were a grand total of three people in line. So I suppose if I had have sat my but down at that time and waited I could now be bragging about being the first Canadian to own a PS3. Oh well, I'm sure there'll be plenty more available in three years time when the price has dropped off enough to something I'm willing to pay.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Updates 3! I'm fat

Well I don't think so but when your girlfriend says you're fat then you're fat-it's official. Fumiko, Jared and I had just finished watching a movie (Sweet November, terrible movie-don't watch it) when Fumiko reached over, patted my stomach and said, "Do you have a baby?" This of course was a great source of amusement to Fumiko and Jared, who grabbed the big pincers that you use to hang out your futon and used them as giant forceps. True I haven't been working out much lately or playing soccer because of a two week period where I was feeling a little sick-but I'm not at all fat! Anyways, soccer seems to have started up again and I'm trying to go to the gym more often so I'm going to nip that little thing in the bud! Last Saturday I played my first soccer game in a good month and I sent an email to Fumiko:

Brendan: I played soccer tonight so no more fat!

Fumiko: I will check your stomack!! おやすみ ハニー

Well that might be you guys fully updated. I'm gonna try to get a new routine going which involves more posting, more studying, more gym and less internet! We'll see how it goes.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Updates 2!

That was Tuesday! I had one busy weekend-for me at least. Unfortunately Peter and I left a little bit late (around 10am) so we weren't able to see everything that we had been planning on seeing.
We had to wait for almost an hour in Asakusa (which is fortunately a great place for tourists). Then we took a two and a half hour train ride north, through mostly small farms and rice fields upon where I made the astute observation that whoever names the train stations are not very creative. It's not uncommon to see a station called, for example "Name" and then go through the next station "Shin-Name"(New-Name) followed by "Higashi-Name" (East-Name). I suppose when you have a lot of train stations you run out of good names pretty quickly!

Anyways we got to Nikko (oh yes, that's where we went by the way) at 2:30 and were told that the shrine their closes at 3:30 (doh!). So we rushed there and saw what we could before it closed. There was a lot we couldn't see because we only had about 20 minutes before it closed and we decided it wasn't worth the 1300 yen for 20 minutes. We also wanted to go see some beautiful waterfalls about 50 minutes by bus outside of town but we decided to forego that because of how ungodly early it gets dark in this country! We did however manage to see the Sacred Bridge (pics to follow)


First in a multi-part series. Last Tuesday, Fumiko and I went to Disney Sea to visit Mickey Mouse. I'm not sure which I like better-Disney Sea or Disneyland. Disneyland has definitely got the childhood nostalgia factor but Disney Sea has got some more interesting rides and is a bit more adult oriented. In fact, Disney Sea doesn't have much of Disney in it at all actually! We had a great day-it was fun and definitely the $60 ticket-but I hate the 'fakeness' of these places. Several times during the day Fumiko mentioned how she wanted to stay at one of the Disney hotels on site. My official response was "Uhh yeah...I guess sometime...", but inside I was thinking "Oh Hell no! We only live a measly one hour train ride away from this overpriced place!"
I have to be careful not to say an outright "no". The far safer course is to give a neutral answer and then pray that it is never mentioned again!