No more teachers, no more books!
Woohoo last day of school! Actually yesterday was the last day but I had to go in today and finish up with the marking. Took me all morning! I really should have done some of it at home last night but I wanted to play videogames instead-man is Fallout 3 ever an amazing game!
So now I've got 2 weeks to sit on my hands. I guess I should use the time to pack. Of course I still have my private lessons to teach and I should try to get in a little sun tanning as well so I don't look too white when I come home.
I'm pondering whether or not to get a Blackberry. I love technology but I'm not really one of those people who goes out and buys something the second they see it. On the other hand, I am one of those people who get an idea in their head and then can think of nothing else until they go ahead and actually do it. The tech geek inside me is fighting the realist inside me. The tech geek loves the keyboard and the email anywhere while the realist is asking, just how much will it cost you to cancel if you ever decided to come home before the two year contract is up? I'm sure you can guess who is winning!