Thursday, June 30, 2005

Back on the apartment hunt

I'm back to looking for apartments again-much sooner than I had anticipated. I called up the Accomodation section the other day to tell them that I had changed my mind and I was going to stay with them for the time being. They responded by telling me that I couldn't stay in my current apartment because the lease had been terminated! That was a bit of a shock. I was like, well have you told my roommate anything because he wasn't planning on leaving and if he knew that our lease had been cancelled I'm sure he would have mentioned something to me.

Anyways we have to move out by July 20th. They said they'd give us a little more time if we needed it. I'm not too concerned-the biggest obstacle to finding a new apartment was always the start up cost. But now that there's two people looking for apartments (way to go Brando) that cost should be halved! So I guess all's well that ends well. Or at least that's what I'll say when we've successfully moved to a new place. My roommate is none to pleased of course and plans on some Robin Hood-like redistribution of company provided furniture and electrical appliances. I'll let you know how it goes!

Again sorry for the intermittent updating. I wonder if anyone ever checks here anymore. I promise I'll be much more faithful once I get my own computer and am able to post my thoughts as I think of them (again, intermittently if you know me.)

In an effort to try to make this blog more interesting (and appropriate for all ages-yes Andrew I'm looking in your direction) I'll try to include a random Japanese fact of the day. More likely than not these "facts" will be nothing of the sort, but rather uneducated observations formed by Western biases - in other words, stuff I'm making up.

Japanese Fact #1
There is no size "small" in Japan. For a country full of small people this certainly seems odd. If you want to buy any type of clothing you have a choice between Medium, Large and Double-L. I'm not sure if this is a sensitivity issue or if they simply don't have a japanese equivalent - just like there is no japanese equivalent for "common sense."


Calined said...

so there are no "small" japanese people in japan ?XD
i mean.. medium ir normal..and if you are reeeeeeally just can take medium...

Anonymous said...

I am sure that the sizes fit much smaller than they would over this side of the ocean. Do you end up getting larger than normal sizes to fit yourself Brando?

And tell me, did you terminate the appartment rent? is that why you are now being evicted?!

Anonymous said...

Apartment hunting can be a hassle many times as I used resources on the web to help me locate the perfect apartment. I wish you the best of luck in finding a great apartment.