Yes more pictures of beer cans. I know some of you have trouble reading any of my posts that are longer than one paragraph so I thought I'd give you a treat. No, that is not a 'beer display.' Yes, I arranged them that way. Yes, I have far too much time on my hands. Yes, my business no longer welcome at that grocery store. Now I know what you're probably saying-'Brendan you're in Japan, don't you have something more interesting that you could be doing?' and the answer is 'probably.' Simple things amuse simple minds I suppose. But how can you look at this picture and not be fascinated? Look at how small the small beer can is! And look at how big the big beer can is! (For the record, the normal can is third from the left.) I even added my very own Bic pen for scale.
I've managed to go five months (to the day by the way) without talking about how fascinating some mundane little thing might be and I can't stand it any longer! I have to get it out of my system. I've got to tell you about hand dryers.
Yes, hand dryers. Actually in Japan you should consider yourself lucky if you can walk out of a Japanese washroom without wet hands, but in some washrooms they have these amazing hand dryers. Now the North American version of the hand dryer is totally lame. You have to stand there for like 5 minutes rubbing your hands and waiting for the water to evaporate. In Japan they have these hand dryers that are like F-16 jet engines. You just hold your hands in vertically and then just pull them up through the blast of air and in three seconds it has blown every molecule of water right off the tips of your fingers. Genius.
Then there's the highschool boys. Not only do they have no shame in that they ride around on these old granny bikes, but they all have the seat so low that their knees are pratically up around their chins. They look ridiculous. Apparently it has something to do with the fact that they were also taught as children that they must be able to touch the ground with their feet.
Then there's the highschool girls. A dispropotionately high amount of these girls treat their shoes like slippers. They walk around in them without putting their heels into the shoe. They just step on the back of them ruining the heel. It isn't so strange when you did it as a 4-year old but seeing all the 15-year olds do it is really odd.
Well now, I feel better after getting that off my chest.
let me get to sleep