Apparently rain is wet
I'm soaked. At least I was soaked. I got to experience my first torrential downpour today. Unfortunately I was coming home from work. I suppose if I had've been home at the time I probably wouldn't have experienced it. The rain started about a half hour before my last class ended. I was teaching a student and cursing in my head at the same time-which is fine as long as you don't mix them up!
I didn't think it would rain so of course I didn't bring an umbrella-and to make matters worse I had my bike with me. So I ran across the street to the local Seiyu (Walmart) and bought a ginormous umbrella for about three dollars. Hah let see you get me now Mother Nature, I thought. Which of course she then proceeded to do on my way home. I haven't gotten that soaked since I was up north treeplanting. My ginormous umbrella stopped my head from getting wet and that's basically all. For all the good it was doing I might have well just tried to bike home with a gigantic lightning rod in my hand.
I spent the last 5 minutes of my trip biking upriver. No not biking upstream-biking upriver. There must have been a good 5 inches of water rushing down the incline I was biking up. I couldn't understand how this was possible. I knew it was pouring hard but it had only been raining for about half an hour. How could my bike and myself possibly be in danger of being swept away by the current flowing down the road? Then I realized that this is what happens when you pave over your entire city and have very poor sewer systems. The entire place becomes a big swimming pool. I think that the road I was travelling on was acting as a re...resid..what the heck is that word for a river that takes the runoff from all the other rivers?
Anyways I wanted to get a picture of it but didn't because it was too dark and I didn't want to risk dropping my phone or getting swamped by the current. Because as we all know the good Captain has to go down with the bike.
So you didn't get swept away by the most recent earthquake though did you? Hello???
No the word I was thinking of was tributary, but that describes the streams that flows into the river not the river that accepts all the water from the local streams so I was wrong anyways.
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