12 days till Kurisumasu!!!
I went out and bought a Christmas tree today and a few lights for it. I've even got a present under the tree already thanks to Laura.* It's better than Charlie Brown's Christmas tree but not by much. It's potted though so hopfefully it will last for quite a long while. I had to bring it home on the train and although it's only about 3 feet tall at the most, I don't think I could possibly have gotten more stares if I had dragged a 10 foot tree on in one hand and had an axe in another. I even had people pointing at me. Ok so they were only a couple of 10-year old girls, but even still.
It's been a while since I posted a picture, so here's a crumb to those of you who are literate challenged like Andrew.
This was on the packaging for my new boxer shorts. I don't know who comes up with this stuff but their prose is pure brilliance. Take a careful read through that-the more you read it the less it makes sense.
*If you want to make a contribution to the presents under my tree and make me have a Merry Christmas then please contact my parents for my address details. :)
Do you have an amazon.com or amazon.co.jp wishlist set up for Christmas?
Neither-I just did it the old fashioned way and sent a letter to Santa :)
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