Tuesday, January 31, 2006

'The internets' have been co-opted!!

I was browsing through Futureshop's website, looking at the stone age cell phones you people still use over there in the 'New' World and I stopped at one phone made by Samsung for Bell Canada. I clicked on user reviews and the one review that it did have made me laugh out loud.

Lightning strikes w/the Bell 920 EVDO, 1/17/2006
Reviewer: Jim, Vancouver
WOW - this handset is smoke'n fast! Bell has really done it this time. The transfer rates are simply lightning quick compared to any phone I have ever used. I would have paid hundreds more to get this now that I have used it. I've already downloaded countless MP3's and ring tones and am watching the game right now while at work... Need I same more. Jim"

Wow Jim that's great news! But what does your boss at Bell Canada think about you 'watching the game' on your cell at work when you're supposed to be posting fake reviews for us to laugh at?

Friday, January 27, 2006


Just so you all know, I'll be returning to Canada for a week from Feb. 20 to Feb. 27th.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Hmphh! Men!! -_-'

One funny, self-incriminating anecdote from my snowboard 'holiday.' This story
begins about two weeks ago when I was teaching one of my favourite students-Asuka. She's a highschooler, cute as a button and her knowledge of english is terrific compared to basically any other highschooler I've taught. Anyways we were talking about J-pop stars and she seemed very grossed out that I happen to like singer Ai Otsuka who is only 19 or something. Anyways for some reason this prompts her to ask me if I have a girlfriend.

Now in my defence, she had absolutely no business asking me a personal question like that. And secondly, if it had been anyone else in Japan I would have said "Yes." But it was Asuka and God help me if I didn't say "No." I see now that I probably could have handled the situation a little bit better.

Anyways, flash forward to yesterday. Fumiko and I have just gotten back to my station from snowboarding and we stop at the gates as I fumble around in my pockets looking for my ticket. I turn around and guess who is standing right there. The following conversation is basically verbatim and you need to imagine me with a little blue genie from Aladin flying around my head.

Brendan: Oh Assssssska!!! Hellooooooo! How are you? (beeee careful)

Asuka: I am fine.

Brendan: (to Fumiko) This is my student.

Brendan: Are you going to Nova today?

Asuka: Yes.

Brendan: Did you watch the Nobuta O Producer dvd I gave you?

Asuka: But I have no DVD player!!

Brendan: You should watch it with your friends.

Asuka: Yes...but...

Asuka: I have a test.

Brendan: Ahh I see.....

Asuka: (indicating to Fumiko) Is she your girlfriend?

Brendan: Yep. (Warning! Warning!)

Asuka: But you told me you don't have a girlfriend!!

Brendan: Uhh... (Mayday!! Mayday!!)

Fumiko: Ehhhhhh?? What? (strong backhand to the chest is received from Fumiko)

At this point I realized that nothing I could say could possibly improve the situation but I could possibly make it worse so I just shut my mouth and played the ignorant foreigner card.
I saw Asuka today at school so I gave her a stern lecture for almost getting me killed.

Groundhog Day in Japan

I saw my shadow the other day while I was biking home and let me tell you I can completely understand why Willy turns around and goes back into his hole. It scared the crap out of me and I almost fell of my bike. I thought some other biker had magically appeared from thin air and was about to crash into me. I'm not sure what it's all supposed to mean. Either I should pay more attention when I'm biking or there's 6 more hours of winter left for Tokyo.

Speaking of winter, I went snowboarding with Fumiko today. Only it wasn't your everyday snowboarding. I went snowboarding in Tokyo. I went to an indoor hill. It was ok-about as good as an indoor hill can possibly get. But it's infinitely more interesting to say that you went snowboarding in a building in the middle of Tokyo than say some resort like Whistler.

Fumiko claimed to have snowboarded a couple of times before but she had no idea how to do it so it must have a long time ago. Anyways we spent most of the three hours going down the beginner slope. Most of that time I didn't have a snowboard on my feet and I jogging down the hill teaching snowboarding. Then to save time I would push her back up the hill. Let me tell you after twenty times that gets a little exhausting!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Self improvement

I finally realized what has been missing from my life-board games. There's three people in this house and we have a kotatsu (japanese table with a heater built into it) that would double as the smokingest boardgame table of all time (see below.)

Alas, they don't seem much the boardgaming type (the story of my life) so unfortunately it doesn't seem like it's going to happen. I can only imagine playing a great game of RISK 2210 on it or something.

Tokyo in wintertime

We got our first snow of the winter this year. Quite a lot of fun!! I enjoyed making fun of my students for using an umbrella for the snow. I told them we never do that in Canada!

Our house in case you've forgotten what it looks like.

My bike-covered in snow.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Japanese tv

Japanese TV is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. It can be terrible and it can be brilliant. I suspect that most people's knowledge of Japanese television comes from watching The Simpsons-remember the seizure-inducing cartoons or cruel gameshows that take pleasure in other peoples' pain or embarassment? No one would accuse The Simpsons of being an accurate portrayal of reality at the best of times but there's usually a thread of truth somewhere. Japanese TV is many things but it is not easily quantifiable.

My exposure to 'real' Japanese TV has actually dropped significantly since we got cable and that's my loss. The truth of the matter is that it is so much easier to watch english television. I have the National Geographic channel on 24/7 practically. Sometimes I switch it to Fox or Discovery or the History channel. I may even watch a few minutes of the Disney channel. You're almost guaranteed to get some quality programming on these channels but rarely will it be inspirational- or brilliant.

Japanese TV can be a connundrum-sometimes it can be brilliant and sometimes it makes me want to throw the television out the window. Without a doubt though it's an important factor in Japanese society. I mean, three quarters of the people I've talked to stayed at home and watched TV on New Years Eve for God's sakes! And New Years is the biggest holiday in Japan.

Let's start off with the bad. "Variety shows" run rampant on Japanese TV. It's a scourge which is comparable to our 'reality tv' in North America. The only thing the two actually have in common is that they're a scourge to mankind. Variety shows are slightly similar to...latenight talk shows. Only they're not on during the night (they're always on) and they're a little more interactive. Basically you have the host (who, like David Letterman or Jay Leno are often bigger than the "stars" themselves,) and you have a group of celebrities and you have a live studio audience. I'd like to tell you what goes on in these variety shows but I honestly have no idea. There's usually the host and at least 8 other celebrities from all different walks of life-singers, comedians,movie stars, sports stars, etc. Sometimes they play games which, according to the audience, are extremely funny-but this stupid foreigner never gets the joke. Sometimes they just talk with each other and laugh. I don't know what goes on but it must all be very hilarious because variety shows are a craze in Japan. I honestly don't know where they get all the celebrities from.

Something else you'll also see quite frequently on tv are dramas. It may be some sappy japanese drama, it might be a sappy Korean drama or it could be some samurai drama. These shows might be fascinating to a japanese person but they usually just bore me to death.

And finally there's baseball. As you probably know, Japanese people are crazy about baseball. Fortunately, the season has ended and I haven't seen a baseball game on TV in a long time. I'm not a big fan of MLB and the Japanese league really doesn't have anything going for it either. There will be at least two games playing on TV at the same time (remember that basic TV is only about 8 channels) and it's usually boring as hell. There are only about 6 teams in each conference and the pitchers and hitters know each other like the back of their hand. Almost every at bat is guaranteed to go to a 3-2 count and the games last forever!

There we go, we finally got the bad stuff out of the way. At it's worst, Japanese TV can be boring or stupid. But fortunately it has a lot going for it too. Let's continue on shall we?

The best thing about Japanese TV is that you can see stuff that you'll never see anywhere else. This can both be fantastic or horrible but fortunately it's usually fantastic. Rather than try to analyze why it's so good, I'll just list my best japanese tv moments. Let's start with the most recent:

1)While waiting for Jared to come into the room so we could watch 24, Fumiko switched on the TV to the basic channels. What I saw reminded me just how much great tv I had been missing out on during the past couple months. First, we got to see a Japanese olympic figure skater get put in a cage, which then did 200 very fast rotations. The figure skater then had to get out and run down a straight red line without losing her balance. She did it no problem so then they put her back in for 500 rotations and then 1000 rotations. Finally the doctor observing the experiment stopped them before they could try 2000 rotations. This is something you would NEVER see on North American television. No doubt before they tried the figure skater, they probably had some silly variety show celebrities try it out themselves with hilarious results ensuing.

2)After the figure skater experiment, they decided to test out the oft said belief that a dog will protect its owner if the owner is in grave danger. They took a very realistic bear suit, rubbed bear scent all over it and then put a man inside it. The owners would take their dog for a walk in some park and the 'bear' would jump out of the shadows nearby. The owner would fall, let go of the leash and let the dog do it's thing. It was hilarious. Sometimes the dog would completely abandon the owner whilst the 'bear' pretended to eat the owner. Sometimes it wouldn't know what to do and bark a few times before scurrying off all the while looking back at his master. And very rarely, a dog might actually fight back and protect the owner (only the German Shepherd and a dog that looked suspiciously like a wolf fought back.) I was practically rolling out of my seat watching the reactions of these dogs-great stuff.

3)Then we have the variety shows. Ok sometimes they're not as bad as all that. Sometimes they have "reporters" who go out and do silly things (like joining a kids karate class, play with snakes or go around downtown Shibuya, harrassing the Shibuya girls.) These reporters/comedians are constantly on TV and seem to be on all the different variety shows-they don't seem to be loyal to any one television station. They get way more airtime than any movie star or singer does. It just goes to show you how big variety shows are. There's a whole lot of these mini celebrities but I do have to mention one in particular. His name is "Hard Gay" and he dresses up in tight leather clothes and does these awful pelvic thrusts-it's as hilarious as it is horrifying!

Here's a link to an article-it also contains a link where you can download a video of it

4)I already mentioned this one in my blog I believe. On one variety show, they had a group of about three of four guys and they had to do some ridiculous contests. One of the contests involved judging a group of women, one at a time. The women would come out, dressed in some silly costume (nurse, police officer, school girl, you get the idea) and pinned to their chest they would have their "digits" their parameters as it were. The men would then ask them some questions and get them to do silly things like jump skip rope. Then they would guess if the "size" was true or not. Then the girl would strip of her costume to reveal a bikini underneath, squeeze her arms together and say in a cute highptiched voice "HON MONO DESU!" (it's the real mccoy!)

5)The dog experiment practically had me rolling out of my seat laughing, but this next one actually did it. Different universities in Japan get together and have a glider contest. Basically they design and build their own glider and then they all come together to test them out and see whose can fly the farthest. It's probably not much different than our solar powered car contests in North America. The main difference however is that gravity is much funnier than solar power and even more so when the said vehicles are flying over water. They get launched off a huge platform somewhere on the coast of Japan. The great thing was, that no matter how good the gliders were, they ALL ended up hitting the water at some point. The sooner they hit the water, the more hilarious it was. There was one two person glider that only seemed to be able to turn right and actually flew back around behind the starting point before crashing and burning (or sinking as was the case.) I had tears running down my face.

6)And finally, the odd time I'll get to see some kind of obstacle course. These things are hilarious because they usually involve watching people fall into water or mud. Those of you who live in the UK and use to watch (or still do if it's still on) Takeshi's Castle will know what I'm talking about. There never really seems to be much of a prize for winning-winning is satisfaction enough I suppose.

That's about the gist of it. The reason why Japanese television can be potentially so great I think is because they aren't afraid to go beyond the boundaries of traditional tv. Sometimes it can have horrible results but more often than not it's inspirational and brilliant.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


I had a bit of an epiphany on the way home after watching King Kong tonight. Actually King Kong has absolutely nothing to do with this but I thought I would throw it out there. I actually thought it was quite good, but it was a three hour movie about a gorilla. A three hour movie about a gorilla! Hopefully the director's cut edition, if there is one, will be exactly that. Cut out about an hour of footage instead off adding more like they usually do. Why do they call it a director's cut anyways if they add more content?

Anyways, I'm off on a tangent again. So I had a bit of an epiphany tonight regarding this blog. That is, that this blog really could be twenty times more brilliant than it is (I'm not actually saying that it is brilliant-you know what I'm trying to say!) The biggest crime a writer can commit is to bore his audience. Fortunately I'm not a writer so I'm under no such constrictions! Mwhahaha! God knows I'm probably a serial-borer what with my fascination of restroom hand-drying technology and what passes for highschool uniform fashions (not to mention highschool drama shows!)

Getting back on track again. As I was saying, it seems to me that this blog isn't quite living up to it's potential. It isn't firing on all cylinders, for you mechanics out there. When I said I had an epiphany tonight, I made it sound like it was something out of the ordinary. In fact, on a good day (a day that I actually make it off the couch and outside of the house,) I'll have anywhere from five and up to ten or eleven epiphanies a day. It's one of those things that comes with being a foreigner in Japan.

I never have serious epiphanies. Nothing life changing. They're always ridiculous. I'll have one and then think to myself, 'Oh God, that's hilarious! I've got to remember to write it in my blog.' But of course, I never do remember. Epiphanies are like dreams-they come and go and by the time I sit down at the computer at night, they're nothing but fleeting memories and I'm stuck writing about restroom hand dryers.

Perhaps it's for the best. Most of my observations probably wouldn't translate to text well anyways. They're almost always about japanese inanities or or absurdities and you really have to be there to experience it for yourself to appreciate the humour. Tonight's, for instance, happened as I was walking by one of the pachinko places. Gambling is illegal in Japan so you take your prizes and turn them in for cash at a 'store' around the corner. Only for this particular pachinko place, the 'store' is directly across the street. The only way it could possibly be any closer would be if it was inside the pachinko building itself, which would then of course be illegal. I don't know why, but as I approached those two doors standing directly opposit each other, I felt a moment of clarity, as if I had suddenly solved a piece of the puzzle that is Japan. That, combined with the recollection of a conversation I had with a student in voice class, (according to him, many pachinko parlours are owned by North Koreans who send their earnings back to North Korea to fund nuclear weapon research,) invoked a moment of mirth that made me wish I was at a computer to get it all down. But like I said, these things don't really translate well to text.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Falling sand

I don't often post random links, but this thing is so addictive that you have to try it out. So if you're sitting around doing nothing in a government building then you might like to give it a go for a few minutes.


Japanese word of the day

Sugoi: [suh-go-ee] Basically the most overused word in Japanese-even more so than kawaii. It basically means excellent or awesome or great. But where we say excellent, awesome, great, fantastic, cool, amazing, good, really, they say sugoi, sugoi, sugoi, sugoi, sugoi, sugoi. It's annoying to listen to all the time but it's amazingly convenient to use in many situations and I am as guilty as overusing it as anybody else-perhaps there is no alternative?

Friday, January 06, 2006

Crashing back to reality...

Well the holiday is over and I'm back to work. I'm actually happy to be back-the holidays give me more free time than I know what to do with. I actually spent the entire last day sitting on the couch playing videogames and watching TV. I think I was starting to vegetate.

A couple of more things about New Years in Japan. It may be the biggest holiday in Japan, but most people seem to spend it at home rather than going out like we tend to do in North America. The traditional celebration seems to involve watching TV. If you're a man then you'll probably be watching either Pride or K-1 fighting and if you're a woman then you'll probably be watching Kohaku (sic) on the NHK channel (sort of similar to our CBC.) How watching ultimate fighting became a New Year's tradition in Japan I'll never know.

I also found out that Japanese people aren't nearly as religious as they claim. Before the holidays I asked everyone if they were going to a shrine on New Years and practically everyone said "Yes." But since I returned from the holidays, I've been asking everyone if they went to the shrine and only about 50% have given an affirmative reply.

I found out another little tidbit yesterday about New Years in Japan. Apparently the amount of money they toss on New Years varies from person to person, but many women with throw in 5 yen or 15 yen. The reason for this apparently is that "go en" (five yen) has the same sound as "goen" which apparently means "good relationships" or some foolishness like that. Basically a women will throw in the 5 or 15 yen in hopes that she'll get a boyfriend. This was all news to me and I just finished sending an email to Fumiko demanding to know how much money she threw. I feel like I have been tricked somehow, that maybe 15 yen was thrown without my expressed permission.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Hurrah for the Internets!!

I I I Igot bored so rather than going to bed at 3:30 in the morning, I downloaded a video capture program and took a bunch of screenshots of the Ai Otsuka Smily video so now you dont have to go download it yourself if you don't want to! Just count yourself lucky that I didn't know about this program back when I was in my Nobuta O Producer phase or I would have bombarded you with pictures from that.

Can you decipher this?

I was browsing through my online banking and my credit card statements and I came across this:

I looked at this and thought, what the heck!? Has someone gotten a hold of my credit card in Tokyo? I was trying to think when I had used my credit card last and what store I had gone to that called itself RAIFUKOPORESHON.

Then I realized what it was. I had bought some food at my local grocery store (LIFE) and they had written the phonetic spelling (life is pronounced "rai-fu" and corporation "ko-po-re-shon")

Two religious holidays covered...how many more to go?

Interesting past couple of days. I was treated to traditional Japanese New Years Eve and New Years day food thanks to Fumiko. It was a cool experience but a little too fishy for my liking-literally-I was fine with the soba and omechi but I had to pass on the food was basically little dried out minnows. Just pick em up with your chopsticks and eat them! I'm not exactly an adventurous eater-I like to stick the the basic meats-but I will usually at least give it a try. However I have a rule against eating anything that still has a head. God bless her anyways for trying to expand my horizons a little! Speaking of which, the conversations we have where I try to explain why we say "Bless you" when you sneeze are quite hilarious. And that doesn't even come close to our pronunciation conversations where we try to make the "R" and "L" sound. Imagine not being able to distinguish between "bowling" and "boring"!

Today we went to the Meiji-jingu shrine. Us and three million other people. At least that's what it says on the pamphlet. And 4 million people go the the shrine in Asakusa. That's 7 million people right there-well over half the population of Tokyo! I'm sure that the church going rate of Canadians is well below 50% at Christmas time even. It's very surprising because I've never considered the Japanese to be very religious-I suppose there's more to religion than going to church.

Anyways I guess we were a little late getting there (about 2pm) because I think we were persons number three million and one and three million and two in line. The wait wasn't too bad I guess-probably less than an hour. Then we threw some cash into the shrine and said our prayers for the next year (basically bring us good health and luck and whatnot.) I couldn't help wondering what they do with all the money. Imagine if everybody threw in 50 yen (some throw more, some less.) If my math is correct then that's 150 million yen!! Quite a score.

On a completely different note, I don't usually go for Japanese music-it's strange and scary to me, as Abe Simpson would say. However on New Years Eve we watched the NHK music special (litterally four hours long) and I was able to pick out a few good songs. If you want to try some Japanese music that is actually half decent then have a look at these three songs:

Planetarium by Ai Otsuka
Smily by Ai Otsuka
Fairyland by Ayumi Hamasaki

I think all three are pretty catchy and I'm not exactly a J-pop lover! So go listen to them-you know how to get your hands on them-if you don't then you're probably not interested in it anyways.

*edit* and if you want the full experience then go download the Smily music video by Ai! It's pretty funny and she is a CUTIE!