Can you decipher this?
I was browsing through my online banking and my credit card statements and I came across this:
I looked at this and thought, what the heck!? Has someone gotten a hold of my credit card in Tokyo? I was trying to think when I had used my credit card last and what store I had gone to that called itself RAIFUKOPORESHON.
Then I realized what it was. I had bought some food at my local grocery store (LIFE) and they had written the phonetic spelling (life is pronounced "rai-fu" and corporation "ko-po-re-shon")
Katakana bastardizations of our English words always throw me off. The first thing my Japanese sensei gave us to decipher was a Japanese McDonald's menu. practically everything on there is just the English menu items spelled out in katakana.
To this day I wonder why they just don't use their own Japanese words for stuff like that.
- Jordan
Hey, thanks for this post...I'm just reconciling my credit card and have the same thing from my trip to Kyoto. :)
Cool, thanks for this post! The same thing just happened to me and now you have saved me from unneeded hastle with my credit card company. Or is that, kuredito kardo koporeshon?
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