Friday, March 31, 2006

Happy Japanniversary!!

Yes it's true!! March 30th was my one year anniversary and on that day I woke up sick. Actually I woke up sick on March 29th which is why it has taken me so long to get these pictures posted. Most of these pictures are from the bike trip I posted about earlier (except for the ones that are obviously from Canada)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice pics, Brendan! It's nice to see some greenery. Things are pretty brown around here, but the temperature has come up considerably so the snow-brown and dirty by now- is rapidly disappearing.The spring bulbs are just springing out of the ground! It feels great to get out and walk without bundling up from head to toe in several layers of clothing. I actually decided that I could live with these temperatures all year round.Happy anniversary. We celebrated that-and the arrival of spring- by raising the neew flag on your flagpole.