Tsk tsk...
A mere 4 posts for the month of May! That certainly is pathetic! And it's not exactly like I've been leading an exciting life this month-wait maybe that's the problem. Things are starting to humidify here and before long I am going to have serious problems sleeping. I suppose I might have to start turning the air conditioner on-or maybe it would be better to just buy a dehumidifier.
I went into Ikebukuro for the first time in a while yesterday and made a purchase (also first time in a while.) I was actually planning on purchasing a pair of Birkenstocks, (after 26 years I've finally decided to be one of the 'cool' kids) but I couldn't find any that I particularly liked so instead I ended up coming home with a new pair of shades and a cowboy hat. Ok not exactly a cowboy hat. Think of maybe something that Brad Pitt might wear-in fact I even tried to convince Fumiko that I looked like Brad Pitt but she wasn't having any of that. Oh well-I suppose as long as I'm safe inside my little fantasy then that's all that matters! I'm sure I'll have a picture of it for you sometime.
I actually got a sunny day on my day off today (first time in a long time) so I managed to get out (after my private class and after the gym) and do a little sun-tanning. I didn't get out until 4 o'clock so I don't think I even singed the skin! At least when I'm tanning it gives me the opportunity to learn a little japanese. Today I reviewed my verb, noun and adjective conjugations. I even learned the definition of 'adjective.'
*edit* Ok since I'm bored I took a pic of both aforementioned articles until I can get one of the good looking guy that goes under them.
pathetic.... lmao
Good blog
Il Padrino
Brad Pitt? That's ambitious to say the least.
Perhaps because he is related to you, you are unable to see connection...
Bendan Sparling = Brad Pitt
Simple Math...
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