Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Monthly post - come and get some

As some of you may have noticed, the number of postings on here has been extremely anemic of late. I'm not sure what to say about that-it could be that for all intents and purposes the blog is good and dead. We'll have to see what the future holds. All I can say is that it might be pushing it a little to get more than a good year's worth of writing about my life! What I mean is that it's not exactly likely that someone will write a book about my life. Anyways I'll do my best to throw something your way when I can-either that or I'll have to resort to mass emails.

Here are some pics for your enjoying pleasure. Last weekend we went to Odaiba (a small, I think artificial island in the Tokyo bay) for fireworks. It was pretty nice. There are after all 12 million people in the Tokyo area so you have to show up early to get a good seat. And that's what people did-they showed up in the early afternoon, measured off a section of beach or grass for themselves, set up their tarp to sit on, weighted it down and then left to go shopping for 6 hours or so. The fireworks were pretty good-over one hour long!! Anyways here are the pics. I am confounded as to how in the hell Fumiko can look so damn photogenic in all her pics and I always look so terrible!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well that was a long time coming!
Maybe you should just tell me when your going to update the blog so I dont keep looking in wonder!