Monday, December 18, 2006

Your transition to the Dark side is now complete

I am officially a geek. I play videogames, read Archies, don't really like parties, don't drink much and sometimes play more videogames! Only one final thing was needed to fall into place and that was boardgames. Yes I am officially a boardgamer now. Oh sure, I played a few games of Monopoly or LIFE (the Japanese happen to love that game incidentally) when I was a kid but that's all it was. But in the past week I have played two games of RISK 2210. It takes a good 3 hours to play and lots of little men are moved around on a board and geekspeak is uttered, including the the odd quotation from the movie The Princess Bride (never get involved in a land war in Asia). It's quite fun! I've had a slight interest in boargames for a long time but never got into them because I didn't have any friends who were interested in gaming. I'm already looking to pick up my own game.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

soooo... if you don't have gaming friends, does that mean you are playing Risk solo? if so, i must concur: you have reached the epitome of geekdom.