Friday, January 26, 2007

Social life updates

On Tuesday I went to dinner with Fumiko at the house of the woman who introduced the two of us over a year ago. It was quite strange actually. Strange for me anyways. Going for dinner with your girlfriend at another couple's house. Very adult-like. A first for me! Anyways we had quite a good time. These are the highlights:

  • they were impressed with my chopstick skills (I hope so after two years!)
  • they were impressed with my sashimi eating skills (raw fish is not my fav)
  • they were impressed by how much I was drinking (what? they were drinking more than me!)
  • they were impressed with my knowledge of japanese (oh come on! now you're just insulting my intelligence. Let's be realistic with the compliments please).
  • they have a $2500 "massage chair" in their living room
One other observation. Fumiko does not react well to situations where she can't participate in the conversation due to language ability constraints. Actually it would probably be more accurate to say that she's traumatized by it. I thought she did a fantastic job when she went to Canada but she swears she won't go back until her english improves. I, on the other hand, am perfectly happy to sit at the table in complete ignorance, totally oblivious to the conversation that is going on around me. Throw me a bone every 10-15 minutes and then go back to your conversation. I'll go back to nibbling on food and telling the dog to suwatte nasai or dame whenever it jumps up around the table.

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