Sunday, February 04, 2007

Saipan pictures-war related

There's a crapload of war-related material left on the island but it's not well documented. Obviously someone decided that the beach would be a bigger draw for tourists than learning about history. The following three pictures are a collection Japanese armaments collected together at the base of Suicide Cliff right next to the last command post at the northern end of the island.

Japanese T-95 light tank. Surely even the Sherman would have made short work of these little Matchbox toys.

Me again, this time with a better sense of scale. It's slightly sunk into the ground but you get the idea.

I'm not sure what kind of gun this is. If anybody knows the answer then please let me know.

These next two are pictures of what I assume must be naval guns that are parked on Maneegaha island (a small island just off the coast of Saipan where I took all the snorkeling pictures. One has been dragged out into the open and a second one still sits in its destroyed bunker.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Love your pictures. I'm from Saipan and was going through your web page and noticed some mispelled names of a place you have visited. One is Mañagaha island (you spelled Maneegaha). Thought you might wanna correct that. Thanks for visiting Saipan.
