Wednesday, June 20, 2007

So anyways yeah I'm back in Japan. Flight was uneventful. They had a new (to me anyways) Boeing 777 which has TV's in the back over every chair. Touch screen too-I watched at least three movies and one tv show. There was a heck of a lot of Brazilians on the flight over. They were all wearing the same shirts so they must have been part of some kind of special group of some sort. I looked at them smugly as I passed them while they stood in front of pictures of Mt Fuji at the airport and took pictures of each other. "Tourists!" I thought to myself.

New blog is going well! Are you checking it out? Unfortunately I haven't discovered any Cucumber Pepsi's around, despite searching every convenience store in a one block radius (25). We'll see how much posting on my blog I do-not much would be the answer so far! I've solved the riddle of how to do everything I want to do in one day simply by cramming it all into one day. I have several things that I don't want to give up - I don't want to stop going to the gym, reading books, studying Japanese or playing videogames. I also have to fit the internet in there somewhere. Not to mention soccer and Fumiko. Basically I've been trying to limit myself to 30 minutes of computer a day to give my studying chances a boost. I have a stopwatch and everything! You wouldn't believe how fast 30 minutes can go buy. You can probably understand that that doesn't leave much time for posting on blogs!

I try to read an hour a night and I've been trying to get to bed by 12am. That means that I've got to read 60 minutes worth in the next 5 minutes. I've also been drinking a glass of red wine most nights with my dinner! Jared just said that he was finally able to put his finger on what's different about me since I got back. He says, "You got old."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

more blog less not blog