Wednesday, November 16, 2005

An update on my life

You may have noticed that I'm living in a new apartment. Perhaps you are curious as to how I ended up here. Even if you aren't then sit down and shut up because I'm going to tell you anyways. Nearing the end of September, I got a notice from Nova that our apartment was being closed down and I was getting kicked out again!! They gave us some options for some other NOVA apartments or I could simply move to the apartment next door (similar to what I had done the first time.) There was actually already a girl living in that apartment but she had also gotten an eviction notice. Both her and I got together because we wanted to stay in our town and we both started looking for apartments. Only problem was that it is very expensive and difficult for foreigners. Anyways it was getting close to our eviction date when my roommate suddenly decided that he wanted to get in with us on an apartment too. So now that we had three people we were able to go through a company that deals exclusively with foreigners and were able to get a house here in our town which is a lot cheaper than living with NOVA.

So anyways we have a fantastic house now but unfortunately like a lot of japanese houses it's bloody cold!! However it's awesome cause we got a great living room set up with cable and wireless internet.

By the way, it's official. I'm a groupie. A J-drama groupie that is. I'm so addicted to that highschool drama Nobuta o Producer that not only have I been downloading all the episodes and not only have I downloaded the subtitles but I've also been going into the text file for the subtitles and editing each hour long show so that the english is a little bit more natural. It usually takes me two or three hours to go through each file and switch things around. There's been 5 episodes shown so far and I've watched the first three about 5 times each. I also learned last night at dinner with one of my students that her son knows the girl who plays Nobuta and that she lives in the town two stations away from me!!!!!!!!!! Naturally I demanded an autograph.

And yes if you read the previous paragraph closely you'll see that I've been breaking the Commandments (the NOVA ones Mom!) Specifically the one that pertains to not giving your personal information to students. I was good for the first 6 months but I've broken that one Commandment multiple times since I last had a regular internet connection. It just goes to show you how computers and internet can help keep you out of trouble! I don't feel too bad as it really is an unjust rule and it is currently being challenged in Japanese courts.

Nobuta: She's so kawaii!!!

P.S. If you comment you may see that you have to type in some kind of word just to verify that you are indeed a real person. Sorry for the inconvenience-just trying to keep the spammers on their toes.


Anonymous said...

so do you like watching tv or you just like this nobuta chick...
is that why your going around the internet looking for pictures of her,...
i'm sure your showing us only the clean ones, picked from your stash...

you big dirty cracker


スパーリング said...

I like watching TV more now that I have cable. But I hate flipping through all these channels and I don't really have an english TV guide.

Anonymous said...

I really like this drama too. However, I cannot understand japanese. So, I search the Internet if there is english translation available. If you have further information, please let me know.

スパーリング said...

Hey Nana, you can get subs here:

Or I've been retranslating them all into more natural english if you want.