Just so you know it's 15 degrees and relatively sunny here. I see that it's -1 with a 40% chance of flurries tonight in Toronto. Just so you know...
I figure that in about a week we'll be back into full on into spring weather and the cherry blossoms will only be a few days more after that. I kind of missed them last year ( I was here but I didn't really get a chance to go out and see them) so this year I'll definitely hit the major parks with my camera and try to get you guys some nice pictures.
We do have sun in this part of the world too... and the way global warming is going and the polar ice cap ordeal... soon you will be on top of Mt. Fuji, the only remaining dry spot... I hear its cold up there too...
Just so YOU know, it's spring here almost and by Friday it should be up to 13C. What happened to the cherry blossom pictures? It's time you got busy and updated this blog. Some of us do check it regularly to see if you are alive and well. Or you could just e-mail!
I think that whole email technology is a little beyond Brendan...
Its ok, youll catch up someday!
Oh and another thing... I realize that they are trying to prevent automated systems from posting in here, but when you cant even read the text that you are supposed to type back into the box, it makes it really hard to even post a comment... Tell this bloggers to make the letters clear, at least space them out more...
It's not the bloggers themselves who came up with the system but the whoever controls this blog page. If we've chosen to ask posters to enter a set of letters then even we have to do it too! A little silly considering that it's my blog. Unfortunately it's a neccessary evil to keep out the advertising spammers.
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