Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The best, the best, the best, the best...

No I'm not referring to myself-I just had to make a title because according to Emily if I don't it just looks like one big long essay. Anyways those were the lyrics I happened to be hearing coming from my earphones at the moment.
Yesterday was beautifully hot-apparently it was 31 degrees and it sure felt like it. I had to work though so I couldn't really enjoy it. Today on the other hand was my day off so of course it's raining just like it does on every day off I have. Last Saturday I got the day off to go strawberry picking and since it was actually my head teacher's day off and not mine it was beautifully sunny. I'll post a bit more about that later sometime and I'll add a few pics.

I bought a new bike yesterday-I found a nice one that comes with all the bells and whistles so I had to buy it. I'm a bit materialistic that way. Anyways I had been harassing the new teacher to buy my old bike for about a week now and he finally did yesterday. My old bike was basically a mountain/street bike and it was a great ride. This one's half way between a mountain bike and the old granny bikes you see around here. It's amazing how different the two bikes feel. If the old one was like driving a sports car then the new one is like driving a truck. Not a bad thing-just completely different.

Because it's raining today I've been inspired to start learning Japanese again-hardcore. We'll see how that goes-I'll keep you updated. I'm going to start with learning Katakana which should be the easiest thing to do and will provide the most immediate results. But first I have to go finish breakfast and then do a little shopping....

And so that this update isn't completely boring I'll post a couple of pictures of strawberry picking. There's not much of me in these pictures and there's a reason for that-it's pretty obvious who the photogenic one in the family is!

Yes that last picture is actually fish on a stick. Yes people were actually eating them as if they were popsicles. No I didn't try one. Don't be ridiculous.

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