Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Well my books are here. 35 minutes late though. They showed up just as I got Jared to call them and give them hell. We can do that in Japan-that's one good thing that's great about it. My books are 35 minutes late! Where the heck are you!!?
Anyways you may think that buying english books in Japan is expensive-it's not. According to the back of the books in Canada they cost 11.99 +GST? So about $12.89. My books cost 895 yen which works out to about.... $8.70


Anonymous said...

Get back on here!! Some of us have exam studying we need to procrastinate from.

Anonymous said...

It was so great seeing you when you were at home in Meaford. I hope school is going well and you are keeping those kids in line!


PS Give our best Fumiko

Anonymous said...


I heard you are finished exams so the pubs will be busy with Emiwee
