Friday, April 14, 2006

Feel the freedom!!

Ah yes posting with no catchy titles! I love it! I hope you enjoy this one because it might be the last one you see in a while. Unfortunately my life just isn't exciting enough to warrant a catchy title. Perhaps I should rename my blog "Brendan's Boring Blog: Now with 100% less catchy subtitles!" I suppose that might be a little longwinded.

A couple of administrative notes: at the bottom of my posts the time is now Tokyo time so you can see exactly what time I've been posting when I should be in bed. I've also included a links section on the side after seeing my sister's blog. The links section contains a link to Tokyo's weather so you can see exactly what I'm experiencing each day and a link to my sister's blog who apparently is going to Peru at some point in time.

It is now Day 4 of the April Book Crisis. Those people over at Amazon still haven't even shipped out my books yet. They must have had to get them sent from the US or something. Who knows how long I can keep up these good intentions.

Kids class update: lots of cute kids as usual and a few bad kids as usual. Unfortunately I've got some bad ones that I thought I'd never have to see again. It's amazing how they can make the anger bubble up from nowhere. Lord knows what those poor Japanese people in the grocery store think when one minute I'm looking at the price of olive oil and the next I suddenly spew out "goddamn little bastard" to apparently nobody in particular.

And finally to satisfy the illiterate masses, here's a picture I took with my cell phone of a poster telling me not to take pictures with my cell phone. I'm not a rebel-I just thought the english was funny.


Anonymous said...

brando i need translation whats this all about

Anonymous said...

please don't give up the titles. without them the posts are just blocks of unbolded pt 12 font that read like an essay. and nobody likes essays. nobody.