Books and White Day
First of all, I managed to survive White Day perfectly well-whew! I dodged a bullet this year!! I was sick on Valentines Day and Fumiko had bad hay fever on White Day-so in other words it was a perfect year! I picked out some Godiva chocolates for Fumiko, along with some strawberry smelling stuff from The Body Shop and and Nintendo DS game-Sudoku.
I'm loving Amazon. For ¥2600 (about $25) I picked up a good one foot worth of books. If you pay more than 1500 yen then shipping is free. They delivered in two days! Unbelievable. I'm still reading and although February was a slow month, I think I've read more books this year than I have in the past two years. Anyways, I picked up War and Peace (ouch), The Count of Monte Cristo (ouch ouch) and the first couple books of a new series by Jonathan Stroung (or something like that-check Books Read 2007 on the right-hand side for details and links). So far I'm only 90 pages in but I'm loving it. If you're a big fan of the Harry Potter series and you've read all the books so far then I would definitely recommend giving this trilogy a go. It's a bit more advanced than Harry Potter but younger fans (high school age) should have no problem with it. The author's "thing" is that his books have lots of footnotes. Unlike most footnotes, these are actually funny and interesting to read. I think I picked up the first two books for only about 600 yen each and so far it gets a big two thumbs up from me.
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