Friday, March 23, 2007

A suggestion

As some of you know, I'm not exactly the most reliable poster. It comes and goes. I've been scratching my head for a while trying to come up with a way for you lovely people to check for new posts without actually having to come to my page to check for new posts. I think I have finally found a solution-sort of.

This will only work if you use Google as your homepage. If you don't already use Google as your homepage then what the heck is wrong with you? Google could come out with a pet rock and I would fully expect it to be able to do great things. Anyways, if you have regular Google as a homepage then what you have to do is change it from Classic Home to Personalized Home. If you click on the picture that I've added, you can see that I've added lots of websites that I regularly peruse, such as the Toronto Star, Globe and Mail, CBC, my email account, and some other games related pages. So basically I can look at all my favourite pages without ever having to leave my homepage-isn't that great? Bring on that pet rock Google! If only I had enough money to purchase a piece of your stock! If you look at the bottom right-hand side, you can see my blog! With all my latest posts. Right on the homepage! And if you see that I've updated my blog, you can just click on that link or click on my blog name and it should take you directly to my blog.

Convinced? If so, read on and I'll provide some more details. If not, go back to what you were doing and wait in anticipation of my next update!

Ok, it's too late to turn back now! Here we go...

First, go to regular Google and click on Personalized Home in the top right hand side of the page.

Then, click on the button that says Show my Page on the right hand side. Before you do this, you can check or uncheck some options if you want to personalize your page.
Then, once you have your personalized page, click Add More on the right hand side of the page.

You should see lots of things that you can add. To add my blog, you need to go up to the text entry box and click on Add by URL beside it.

You should see this pop up underneath it:

In that text box, enter this address:

That should be all it takes! Let me know if you have any problems.

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