I'm a superhero-otherwise known as a 'kids teacher'
My evil nemesis is a 5 year old little girl.
You already know a little bit about her as I have talked about her before, although I didn't quite get her name right. It's Minami not Manami although I could have been calling her 'little brat' for all the good it would do me. My AT (assistant trainer) has told me that you should always make sure that the kids have their nametag on before entering the classroom. Because, as he says, if you know their name then you can control them. Well apparently someone forgot to give Minami the memo. In most cases he is actually correct. Some kids get off doing their own thing, but once they hear their name they immediately turn obedient-sort of. If names are a children's kryptonite then I am dealing with an evil that has no such fatal flaw.
In an earlier post I described Minami as having the attention span of an ant and I stand corrected. She has the attention span of an electron - and some of the same attributes as well. She bounces around from one side of the room to the next like an uncontrolled fission reaction that would be likely to result in a small nuclear explosion inside the kids room if not checked.
The reason why I am teaching her is because the previous teacher hurt his back while teaching her. He's no lightweight either. He's a fairly hulking Brit who must be at least 6'5" and she is a very minute 5 year old. The only game that she shows any enthusiasm for playing is blast off because she knows she's going to get a ride. She's not supposed to, but I'm so happy that she's actually paying attention that I reward her a little. Then I tell her that now she has to blast off. So then she puts her hands above her head and makes every motion that she's about to do it herself and then at the last second she lunges at me.
You're supposed to do transition activities like blast off between the regular activities to keep the kids focused but with her the lesson is one big transition activity. I sometimes finally get her to sit down and take a pencil only to be foiled by some piece of fluff in the corner that catches her attention. God help me. I would hate teaching her if it wasn't for the fact that she's such a cute brat. Anyways we be both lived to tell the tale another day but who knows what will happen in future episodes of....Teacher Brendan vs The (Tsu)Minami!!!