Thursday, April 21, 2005

Maybe I should have been a shirt editor instead

When it comes to fashion, so far I've found the Japanese style to be a little peculiar. It's been said that the Japanese are about a year or so ahead of the trends in North America when it comes to clothing and fashion and whatnot. Let me tell you I have seen the future and it is frightening.
Japan loves its suits and uniforms. Anyone who isn't working for a pachinko parlour or restaurant usually wears a suit. As far as I know, all students wear uniforms to school. At the same time, the casual attire appears to be an assortment of garments that have been thrown together at random. This means that on any given day, 50% of the people you see will be wearing a suit and the other 50% will look like they have been gobbled up and spit out by a goodwill store.

When browsing the department store clothing section, you are apt to see some very interesting clothes. For some reason if a shirt has writing on it then it is written in English. I have no idea why, perhaps it's just a fascination with the language. The most interesting part is not the language it's written in but rather what is being said. The fact is, it's impossible to understand what message the shirt is trying to get across. The message is usually gramatically incorrect and even if it isn't then it's guaranteed to make absolutely no sense whatsover. For your enjoyment I've provided some examples of what I'm talking about:

Shirt #1
Shirt #2
Shirt #3
Shirt #4

On a completely different note, it looks like the ship is starting to go down for english teachers in Korea. It certainly doesn't paint a rosy picture anyway. I would suggest that it probably isn't a good idea to get involved with the law in Korea or even Japan for that matter. The concept of rights can be viewed completely differently over here even though they are both democracies.

let me get to sleep


Anonymous said...

hey there brendan, the picture's are great keep them coming!!! speaking of funny shirts one time i saw a girl wearing a shirt that said "song connery is the real james bond". There was also the middle aged japanese man wearing a shirt that said "white trash", but I think my personal favourite was the hair salon that said "Fine cut and blow is our job". Try and take some pictures of comb overs if you can, take care blythe

Anonymous said...

i think you still gotta give the japanese props for tryin man , what other culture has embraced english so readily, understanding or not..... i say less pictures of t shirts on walls and more on girls

... its funny that you say fashion i sahead of nother america, peoiple say the same of european fashion relative to north american as well... makes yyou wonder weather we are the leading trends or really just the last to get on board the band wagon when the trends have been developed and we just optimially manfucature the crap...

Anonymous said...

show us pictures of the people....

girls, boys, monks and importanat people ....
wahts the popular music culture over there?

Anonymous said...

Check out for more crazy english!
You should definitely submit your pics to them, they just may put them on the site!
- Jordan

Anonymous said...

Oh man...that site is possibly the coolest thing ever...lieran, you have to get on top of that! I love the pic brendan. Keep them comin.