Thursday, April 14, 2005

Time to scratch off another accomplishment on life's "To do" list

I can tie a tie.

Yes after 25 years or approximately 1/3 of an average lifetime I can now say that I am among the tie tie-ers of this world. I've worn a tie to work now for about 6 days and I didn't need the instructions after the first couple of days but things didn't really fall perfectly in place until today. Up until today my abilities were acceptable but nothing to write home about. Then this morning it just 'happened.' And because I'm so generous I'll tell you the secret right now so that instead of staring at yourself in the mirror like a tool you can spend the next few years of your life finding the cure to cancer or something useful. Form the knot right up by the neck rather than further down and having to slide it up.

That is all the worldly wisdom I shall be dispensing for today. Come back again in 25 years and I'll tell you the secret of matching your socks to your trousers.

Today I learned the importance of researching the background of your student before you pick out your lesson. The profile for one of my students today had no information except for the fact that they had done some travelling in the US and several other countries. Thinking that they were obviously quite a seasoned world traveller I decided that a lesson on checking into hotels would be appropriate. I picked out the lesson, prepared it and then headed to class as soon as the bell rang. And whom did I find sitting across from me when I walked into the classroom?
A 12 year old girl

Fortunately I have no problems adapting and thinking like a 12 year old. We changed the lesson and talked about our favourite videogames, animated movies and homepages instead.

let me get to sleep


Anonymous said...

Please dont use the word TROUSER in your BLOG again... that is an OLD PERSON word!



Anonymous said...

OH, and when are you getting me these pictures!?