Friday, April 15, 2005

I'm in electronic heaven

Before I left to go to Japan I heard that you probably wouldn't get your electronics any cheaper than back at home but what you would be able to do is buy things that won't come out in North America for another 6 months. Well according to my initial research, it turns out that I can have my cake and eat it too! I found that I can buy a 60GB Apple Ipod Photo for 41,500 yen or approximately $460 CDN. According to the Futureshop website, these Ipods are currently going for $569 plus tax!!
I also checked out Sony's MP3 player. I could get a 20 GB Sony NHD-1 (1st generation) in Canada for $399 plus tax or I could buy a 20 GB Sony NHD-3 (3rd generation) for about 31,500 or $320 CDN. I love it!! I'll bet if I go to Akihabara (Tokyo's self-proclaimed "electronic town") then I could buy one for even cheaper!


Anonymous said...

yo brando , what kind of japanese reaction are you seeing to the chinese-japanese relationship strain

Anonymous said...

How much is it going to take to get an electronics transfer ring going?!

Anonymous said...
