Sunday, May 01, 2005

My apartment

Some of you were curious as to what my apartment looks like so I took a
few pics. It actually isn't as small as some of the stories about
Japanese housing would lead you to believe. I have no doubt that there are a lot of small apartments in Japan but ours is half decent. Enjoy.

Front door
Living room
My room
Adam's room
Ben's Room

It's a decent apartment alright but I still feel like I'm paying more than I
could be. I'm constantly thinking of moving out, trying to find an
apartment closer to work, gym, park etc.
First though I'm going to
have to go make a good Japanese friend to act as a translator for me
and maybe even a sponsor. All in good time I guess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you have a small crop of something growing in your back yard???