Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Ooh look-there's a new pope!

After going over a month without a newspaper, I finally broke down and subscribed to one of the english dailies over here. So it was when I received my first paper today that I learned that in my absence from the rest of the world Iraq finally put together a government, the Catholic world got a new pope and the Second World War ended-oops that is, the Second World War ended 60 years ago. It's sort of odd to be in a losing country during this time. Certainly no big celebrations although I suppose the war ended in May in Europe only and not the Pacific. That one's not till August so maybe by that time I'll be able to go down and visit Hiroshima or something. I'm assuming that Hiroshima is down relative to my position-other than Osaka, Okinawa and Tokyo I have no idea where anything is in Japan. I'm becoming used to giving blank stares whenever I ask someone where they're from or where they went on vacation. For all I know their response could be on the other side of the country or it could be the next train station.

I also went to the gym for the first time today. Actually this is the second time but it's the first time as an actual member of the gym. It's a gym, like any gym the world over I suppose. They're all pretty much the same. Although I'm still not used to having to take my shoes off before I go into the changeroom.

I found out tonight that one of my roommates is moving out and unfortunately it's the roommate with the computer!! Ahh well. I'll figure something out I suppose. In the meantime I might be posting a little less often. He doesn't move out for 10 days so we still have a little time together (I'm referring to me and the computer of course not me and you.) I'm actually a little eager to move out myself. This is a great appartment but I think I can find something cheaper and I want to be closer to the gym and the train station. Ideally I'd like to find something inside the triangle of the 7-Eleven, Life grocery store and the gym. I really need to make some kind of Japanese contact that can act as an intermediary between myself and the landlords! I'm working on it :)

I suppose I really shouldn't rush out and get a new appartment just yet until I've fully decided what I want to do. There isn't really much of a contractual obligation when it comes to leasing apartments in Japan. I think you can come and go as you please. But there is a fair bit of a monetary commitment so you want to be sure that you're going to stay for a while if you do decide to move. If you decide to go through a realestate agent then they'll probably take a months rent as commision. The landlord will probably expect a months rent for key money. Plus there is probably a 2 month deposit and of course you have to pay your first months rent. So that works out to...possibly 5 months rent up front. I may wait for a couple of months until I'm sure I want to stay. I'm having a perfectly good time right now but everyone says that culture shock doesn't really set in until after you've been there for a couple of months. Apparently I'm still in the 'honeymoon' phase right now so we'll have to see what happens.

Tomorrow and Wednesday are my days off. I haven't really got anything planned other than getting a haircut. I'll definately go somewhere though even if it's just out exploring the local neighbourhood.

let me get to sleep

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