So long and thanks for all the fish
If the date on the Termination of Tenancy Lease of my roommate is true then it looks like today might be my last day with computer access for a while! I'd like to get a laptop myself but I don't think I'll do anything till I end up getting my own apartment so who knows how long that will take. I actually have no idea where the closest internet cafe is so I probably won't be on too frequently-just mainly checking out my email and what not. Have no fear though, I will be back eventually and hopefully posting just as frequently as before-it'll be a frosty day in Hades when they can keep me off the internets!
Sayonnara for now
The last post with a computer and you say NOTHING? what has happened? something in the water? something in the food? THE WOMEN?
I am concerned... perhaps a recovery mission to JAPAN is in order... bring back what is left of Brendan the Sane...
I fear the worst has come... Brendan removed from the world of technology. Sent back to the days of old... with only a pen and paper.
Will we ever hear from the young adventurer again?
Deepest, Darkest fears are coming true...
I guess we'll have to pick up the phone if we want to hear what you're up to!
The phone?
After all this, the phone seems like such a step back in the times...
There is no way Brendan has gone this long without touching a computer, I think he is just selectivly writing to people...
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